Tuesday, January 5, 2016

                                  Web site  Vs Web Application

Everyone knows about web site, now we want to focus on web applications.  Web application which is called Rich Internet Application (RIA) is presented as a web site or part of a web site. But the point is not all web sites are web applications. Web site display content but a web application does something. Actually, it depends on business function, user interactions.

Some web applications are Ebay, Paypal, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, eHarmony, eTrade, Wikipedia and also bank offering online banking has a component of web application on its site. A site where one can create an account, log-in and conduct some actual business it’s a web application.

Most of the people think that a website is for everything details. But, this is not a wrong idea. Everything we found through a internet that belongs to a website. Two main basic differences between website & web applications are:
                                A website is informational.
               A web application is interactive.

Monday, January 4, 2016

  Web Application Vs. Desktop Application

In this modern technology, a lot of apps are floating around. Two types of application are available now. There are desktop application & web application. Desktop applications are installed on personal computer and web applications are accessed through world-wide.
Some people make different opinion about web application & desktop application. But, a number of people use both types of application and both of them have place within the apps world.

Web Application Advantages
The biggest advantage to using a web application is flexibility. Because, a web application can be accessed from any computer no matter where you are and for this facility web application is now popular. Some people believe that web application is the only one application which will give the all facility.
Yes, web application will give you all opportunity. But, you need internet connection. Once you lose your internet connection you won’t be able to do anything. This is the one main disadvantage for web application.

Desktop Application Advantages
Desktop application also useful but you can’t reach with desktop app until you have your computer within reach. This application doesn’t depend on internet connection. If your computer damaged, you will lose your software.
At first, when web application started, it’s begun on eclipse which is desktop application. However, desktop application certainly offers users a secured software experience while desktop application still exists. But, now-a-days most of them are dependent on Web application.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Benefits of online software

Now-a-days most of the companies have different choice when providing their employees with the resources they need and it also including the web based software services. The online software allows the employees to access the files and program they want and also get the data according to their clients need.
Some of the top benefits of online software:
1. From anywhere your employees can work – By using an online software, your employees can log in from anywhere in the world. They also allow getting the data they need to do their jobs.
2. No complexity – There is no complexity in using online software because you don’t need to download or install anything or any programs. If you use desktop based software, it may cause to damage. Because, there is always risk damaging the windows or your PC/Laptop. But, with online software there are no such risks.
3. Nothing to maintain – when you will buy online software besides you also have to buy a maintenance and support package. Maintenance will go to the online software provider. There is nothing to own and you can simply use the program as you see fit.
4. Always up to date – If you run an outdated code, it will make loss your company money by missing features and which will lose productivity. With this online approach to modern technology, you will always be working with the latest software tools on the market.
5. Mobile UsabilityThese days, everyone has a smart phone. With an online software model employees can access the apps and the files they need while on the go.
Every business will ensure the latest technology which will be compatible in the future with their existing systems. Online software is a very effective way of working and also gives you lots of security, full back ups, collaboration features.