Monday, January 4, 2016

  Web Application Vs. Desktop Application

In this modern technology, a lot of apps are floating around. Two types of application are available now. There are desktop application & web application. Desktop applications are installed on personal computer and web applications are accessed through world-wide.
Some people make different opinion about web application & desktop application. But, a number of people use both types of application and both of them have place within the apps world.

Web Application Advantages
The biggest advantage to using a web application is flexibility. Because, a web application can be accessed from any computer no matter where you are and for this facility web application is now popular. Some people believe that web application is the only one application which will give the all facility.
Yes, web application will give you all opportunity. But, you need internet connection. Once you lose your internet connection you won’t be able to do anything. This is the one main disadvantage for web application.

Desktop Application Advantages
Desktop application also useful but you can’t reach with desktop app until you have your computer within reach. This application doesn’t depend on internet connection. If your computer damaged, you will lose your software.
At first, when web application started, it’s begun on eclipse which is desktop application. However, desktop application certainly offers users a secured software experience while desktop application still exists. But, now-a-days most of them are dependent on Web application.

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